Sub-watershed Impact Study, Salem Annexed Lands

City of Barrie

The Subwatershed Impact Study (SIS) was prepared in support of development and growth within the Annexed Lands in the City of Barrie. The Salem portion of Annexed Lands straddles Highway 400 with most of the area located to the west of the highway and occupies approximately 1,470 hectares. Schaeffers was retained by the Salem Landowners Group to provide all engineering services required for the future development of the area from the identification of the opportunities and constraints to the establishment of full build-out conditions.

The Salem SIS investigated and defined development limits, flood lines, buffers, and setbacks associated with the participating development lands while guided by the policies established through the Salem Secondary Plan (Official Plan Amendment 38). Working in close collaboration with Natural Heritage, Geotechnical and Hydrogeological counterparts, Schaeffers developed a stormwater management concept, carried out hydrological and hydraulic modeling, prepared floodplain mapping for Bear Creek and Thornton Creek sub-watersheds, prepared preliminary grading and road design, and developed water, sanitary and storm servicing plans, including Low Impact Development measures